Tutorial For Printing A Key

Translated by Alexandra Igna (2019)

Printing a key is a technique that involves making a key for a lock without any prior knowledge of the original key. The idea is to get the information directly from the lock itself - without disassembling it - simply by associating a rocking motion with a rotating force on a brass blank. The pins on the lock will leave marks on the brass blank, except for when the combination of the key is at the proper depth.

Materials needed for the key printing process:

  • A brass blank, corresponding to the lock

  • A half-round Swiss quality needle file

  • A small clamp (between 10 and 15 cm in size)

  • A neon magnifying lamp

  • The lock that needs to be opened, firmly fixed in its vise

Technical details:

To fully understand what makes printing work a reality, it is important to understand the way a pin works.

For starters, a pin reacts differently when it is hyphenated as opposed to when it is not hyphenated. When a rotational force is applied to it, one or more of the pins are locked in shear between the rotor and the stator. These pins will then mark the key in case it produces a rocking movement with the key. The locking pins will then act as a needle on the blade of the key.

What is very interesting is that when a pin is hyphenated, it is obviously not blocked in shear. Instead, it continues to have a small space for movement. While in the resting position, the spring pushes the passive pin against the rotor. During the tilting movement of the key, the active pin takes advantage of a game of several hundreds of a millimeter (at most until it touches the stator). This movement of the pin accompanies the movement of the key. The rocking movement of the key will then produce no mark. It can be deduced that the marks created indicate the locations on the key where the height is not adequate. In other words, they indicate the locations to file. This results in a change of pitch for the next test, as well as the erasing of the marks (for a clear reading of the new test).


Preparation of the draft: Secure the wrench's blade in the vise grip and prepare the blade to be ready with the flat side of a file to obtain a smooth and homogeneous surface similar to frosted glass. This is the ideal surface for marking of keys. For the impression-taking stage of the process, insert the key into the cylinder, then apply and maintain a rotational force in the opening direction, then perform two or three rocking movements from top to bottom. Apply and maintain a rotational force in the closing direction. Perform two or three rocking movements from top to bottom. Reading the first test: Carefully remove the key while making sure not to apply any more rotational forces. Place the key under the lamp-magnifier to locate the marks.

Often times, the marks resemble needle punchings on the surface of the key. They may be difficult to see at times as they can appear in the form of bright spots, or, on the contrary, dark spots in comparison with the rest of the surface.

The first modification of the key:

Use the rounded side of your file to form a circular arc at the brand's location. If there are several brands, file each one carefully.

Second impression taking:

The modified key is now ready for a new test. Re-insert the key in the cylinder, apply and maintain a rotational force in the opening direction, then perform two or three rocking movements from top to bottom. Apply and maintain a rotational force in the closing direction, performing two or three rocking movements from top to bottom.

Reading of the marks of the second impression taking:

Carefully remove the key, making sure not to apply any more rotational force on it and place it under the lamp magnifier.

The second modification of the key:

Use the rounded part of your file again to deepen the arcs if any marks appear again, or to create arcs where it starts to mark. After a while, some arcs will have no marks. It is important not to file these arcs again.

If you have followed this tutorial, you should now know that it means that these keys finally have the right depth. After the right testing is done, you can successfully file the key and see it open the cylinder. Make sure you scrupulously follow the procedure so you can successfully manufacture a fully functional key in no more than just a few minutes.

For more information on how key printing works, feel free to get in touch with us or hire our services for fast and reliable assistance.


* frenchkey.fr